The Perfect Jewellery Gift

Celebrate life's special moments with a gift that is guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Essential Diamond Jewellery

Timeless Diamonds

The Gift of Coloured Gemstones

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Birthday Gifts For Her

Birthday Gifts For Him

Gifts For Her

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Gifts for Him

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Engagement Gifts

Forever starts here. Discover our engagement gifts that symbolise your eternal union.

Wedding Jewellery

Crafted with unparalleled artistry and attention to detail, our luxury wedding jewellery includes bride gifts and groom gifts for their special day.

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Wedding Anniversary Gifts

Mark your anniversary celebration with a bespoke gift that speaks volumes of your love and admiration.

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Signet Rings

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Frequently Asked Questions

The best way to begin choosing a jewellery gift is to consider the recipient and their preferences. Ask yourself questions like: What type of jewellery does the recipient enjoy? What type of jewellery does the recipient already own? Do they prefer a certain metal type/colour (i.e. platinum, yellow gold, white gold or rose gold)? Do they wear mostly diamonds or do they enjoy coloured gemstones?

Once you understand their preferences and existing collection, it is time to think about whether you want to add to their current collection or purchase something you feel they might be missing. For example, a bracelet might be a suitable gift for someone that loves to stack bracelets on one wrist or if you notice the recipient has a pair of diamond studs but is not wearing a necklace, a classic diamond necklace may be a good gift idea. 

The easiest way to navigate this decision is to contact one of our team and they will lead you through the decision-making process to find a wonderful and meaningful gift for your loved one. here

Jewellery can be a very meaningful and emotional gift and is usually given to celebrate or commemorate an occasion or event. It can symbolise love between spouses or partners, gratitude between parent and child, or celebration between friends. 

Additionally, gemstones have a rich history (both factual and mythical) and can have different meanings. The most popular example of this symbolism are gemstones as birthstones. You can learn more about the history and meaning of each birthstone in our useful birthstone guide here. A piece of jewellery including the recipient’s birthstone is a gift idea that is thoughtful, sentimental, and colourful.

Jewellery trends are everchanging however, classic diamond pieces the most popular type of jewellery that remain eternally timeless. Some examples of classic diamond pieces are simple diamond stud or hoop earrings, diamond tennis bracelets, or a diamond necklace (either a single diamond on a chain or a tennis necklace style). These pieces are the foundation to any jewellery collection and are worthwhile additions that will be loved for generations to come. Explore our Timeless Diamonds collection which features our curated selection of handmade diamond jewellery. 

Other popular collections include the Indra collection for its modern take on classic jewellery by incorporating mixed cut stones in simple yet elegant designs. Deco Daisy is a best-selling collection because of the timeless floral design combined with splashes of colour. These wearable styles are suitable for everyday and can be customised with different gemstones to suit personal preference. 

Big, bold pieces such as cocktail rings and statement earrings have always been sought after by our clients. Our Manhattan Collection is designed to showcase some of the world’s most beautiful, gemstones in striking designs. These eye-catching pieces are a wonderful gift to mark a special

Jewellery is a thoughtful gift as it is wearable and sentimental. A piece of jewellery can be worn every day or kept safe for special events. Jewellery is given as a gift to mark momentous occasions such as engagements, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and graduations. This adds to the jewellery’s sentimental value as it serves as constant reminder of that moment in time.

Jewellery is a great gift idea for women of any age as it can be worn frequently or kept safe for special events. Jewellery can be an emotional reminder of a special occasion and can be passed down to future generations. 

The most worn men’s jewellery is usually a wedding ring however, there has been a rise of men styling their outfits with bracelets, necklaces, and signet rings. For a workday or special event, men can also wear accessories such as watches, cufflinks, and lapel pins. 

When shopping for a men’s jewellery gift, considering the recipients preferences can help choose the best metal option for them. If you are unsure where to start, the recipients skin tone can help guide your decision. White gold jewellery compliments cooler skin tones whereas, yellow gold jewellery suits warmer skin tones.

This depends on the type of men’s ring. In Australia, a wedding band is commonly worn on the ring finger on either the left or right hand. Whereas a men’s signet ring is traditionally known as pinkie finger ring. In modern day society, men wear their rings on any finger depending on their personal style. 

The Fairfax & Roberts Experience


To begin work on your own unique piece, simply visit us in our flagship store in Sydney or speak with us now on 02 9232 8510. You can also leave your details below, and we’ll be in touch soon.